Sunday, June 6, 2010

Summer Goal: Running a 5K

After a year of being surrounded by friends who run constantly and are always training for marathons and various other races, I've decided to embark upon a quest to run a race myself. I'm registering for the Komen Race for the Cure on September 12 in NYC. I'm excited to not only finally get into running, but it's for a good cause AND in Central Park, which should be beautiful.

This isn't going to be an easy journey, however. I didn't get the innate athletic genes in my family. I've never been one for running. In fact, I hate it. While this is going to be quite the bumpy journey, I've done my research and come up with what I think might actually be a doable!

The rough part is going to be waking up early every morning... Since it's so hot outside this summer, the only time it'll be cool enough to run is in the morning. I've decided to wake up at 6am every morning and go running in the neighborhood.

We put the plan to the test early Monday morning. Wish me luck!

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