Monday, June 20, 2011

W1D1. Oy.

So I started Week 1 over again because of last week's disaster. I'm more out of shape than I anticipated. I could only make it through half of the suggested workout. The stupid guy in my ear saying "Time for your 60s run. Go!" was ignored just after the halfway point and I ended up walking back. I'm going to do some upper body/ab workouts tomorrow. Maybe getting that back in shape will help my breathing... Also eating better probably would help...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Rough Start...

So today did not go well. I did force myself to get out there. Got the tennis shoes, sports bra, and water bottle out. Did a 5-minute warm up and stretched (learned from last time...). Started my first 60 second run, and everything felt fine. But as soon as I switched to walking, my allergies kicked in, the heaving started, I felt light-headed, and I had to turn back. To my dismay, when I returned to where I left my water bottle, someone had stolen it! So not cool!

So now I'm out a water bottle, a workout, and my allergies are worse than ever. Maybe running first thing in the morning is a better idea than middle of the afternoon...

I'm not giving up though! I've logged it as a walk, and tomorrow I'm going to take some allergy medicine and try again!

Let's Try This Again

So, obviously judging from my lack of posts after the end of June last year, my 5K training didn't go so well. But I'm going to try again. I just graduated from school and have some free time on my hands, so why not use some of it to get in shape?

Now, I have to admit that I've been telling myself I was going to start this for a few weeks now (surprise, surprise). BUT, now that I'm keeping a running blog here again, hopefully this will galvanize me to get started.

I'm back to the Couch-to-5K program. Tomorrow I do the whole alternating between 60s of running and 90s of walking. And I'm GOING to do it this time! Regardless of the weather... (it's supposed to thunderstorm at some point tomorrow...)